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Hope & Wellness Clinical Trials is the only Clinical-Drug research facility available in the city of Corona. It delivers clinical research opportunities and solutions to participants and sponsors, offering all study-related medical care and medications at no cost to qualified participants.

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A creative team of Cal Poly Pomona Students dedicated to building the perfect website for your business. It is our goal to create an interesting and modern website that will catch the eyes of potential visitors and be the envy of your competitors. We have a vision for your success so join us on our quest to make YOU the BEST!

We provide world class web design to make your website look stunning. Our clients will be in complete contact with Vision Quest to ensure that your Vision is recognized. 


Team Vision Quest is a collaboration of six undergraduates students from California State Polytechnic University, developing responsive and fully functional websites. Our group developed our own website in order to promote our work and introduce a little about each other to the potential clients. Also, applying Agile methodology/Scrum, we developed a professional website for a Clinical-Drug research facility located in the city of Corona. This website was built to the meet the requirements of our client's specific industry, and to create more of an awareness of the company and all of the services it has to offer to the community and pharmaceutical companies.

My role as the product manager/owner and client contact in this project was to be responsible for being the voice of our client and the decision maker for the scope, design, and goals of our project. Also, I was the customer representative, meeting, asking-answering questions to the business owner and team group. I obtained the information necessary to build the website, and distribute it to the appropriate team member.

I was also the website developer, responsible for physically building the website from the ground up. I designed, coded, and modified the site, from layout to function.

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